
On this website, you will find five composition assignments I completed over my semester with bridges to success. In these different writings and video, I have learned that while reading and seeing other people’s work, I noticed that the purpose, audience, and genre all connect quite meaningfully to give the reader a specific type of knowledge.

Purpose, audience, and genre are all essential elements to consider when creating any kind of written or spoken communication. Understanding these factors can help you create content that is effective and resonates with your intended audience.

Purpose refers to the reason for creating the communication. It could be to inform, persuade, entertain, or a combination of these or other goals. Knowing your purpose can help you focus your message and choose the most appropriate tone and language to use.

Audience refers to the people who will be reading or listening to your communication. It’s important to consider their needs, interests, and level of knowledge about the topic you are discussing. This can help you tailor your message to be more relevant and engaging to them.

Genre refers to the type of communication you are creating, such as a news article, a persuasive essay, a poem, or a speech. Each genre has its own conventions and expectations, and understanding these can help you effectively communicate within the genre.

Working together, purpose, audience, and genre help create effective and purposeful communication that resonates with your intended audience. By considering these factors, you can create content that is well-suited to its intended purpose and audience and that follows the conventions of the appropriate genre.

My poem on a poster is a great example. The purpose of This poem was to encourage the minds of Muslim students struggling to practice their faith on their campuses. The poem talks about how Muslim students struggle to balance studies and religion.

Since that’s the purpose of the poem, then it would make sense to understand who your audience is so you can tailor your writing to their needs. You wouldn’t be writing sophisticated words in an article for elementary children to read. You would have something easier for them to dissect. A good genre for this type of audience could be a comic book since a comic usually is filled with images and colors that would intrigue this particular audience.

However, my audience for this poem would be different because my audience will be Muslim students who are attending college. This means they have a higher education, which allows me to use more developed words and more advanced literary techniques.

On my poster, there are two sides to the same poem. One version is in Arabic and another English. The Arabic letters are meant to hook viewers with their intricate calligraphy, while the English version is meant to further illustrate the same message.

For example, in the English version of the poem, in lines 9-10, “We try to balance our faiths and our studies. But sometimes it feels like a struggle not a hobby.” This quote would go over a person’s head if that person wasn’t a part of the audience, which is Muslim students who struggle to practice their religion because of their campus.

A news feature article can be a great genre for students because it combines the timeliness and relevance of a news article with the depth and context of a feature article. This can make it an engaging and informative read for students, as it can provide them with a comprehensive understanding of a particular topic or issue.

One of the key benefits of a news feature article is that it can help students stay informed about current events and issues that are relevant to their lives. For example, the news feature article that I made has many sources, which all be referenced below, and these sources help explain that this problem of expressing your faith on campus is not only happening in New York but everywhere else in America as well.

A news feature article can sometimes help the audience better understand than other genres since the news feature article can have different experiences from other sources.

For example, my New feature article says, “She tries to pray in a stairwell, but people just look at her suspiciously. So, then she tries to pray in a classroom”. This quote is important because it talks about a relatable experience that only a person who is also a Muslim student can experience.

This is something only a news feature article can accomplish because it can reach out to other sources and pull current events to help explain what’s going around the reader that the audience is also experiencing this.